Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Summer Scrapbook (a.k.a. why I have not been blogging!)

I have been on vacation for a very long time.  I realize this as I sit down at my desk to write my blog and note that it has been since April since I have posted anything.  I have taken a three month hiatus from my online presence and have apparently been having way too much fun.  I had intended to post from the various places I visited, however my good intentions were replaced by living in the moment and immersing myself in each of the experiences and adventures as they were unfolding.  Taking a vacation from everything including social media was refreshing my friends!  The experiences I had were so creatively inspirational for  me and I feel revitalized and ready to channel some of that inspiration into upcoming projects.  Here are a few pictures from my unorthodox itinerary:

Mural in Venice Beach

My niece and I took a girl's trip to Los Angeles.  She took this picture of me in Venice Beach.  I LOVE IT because of the saturated COLOR.  We spent the whole day shooting photos of the street art at the beach and at the shops on Abbott Kinney.  I visit Santa Monica, Melrose, and Venice at least once a year for creative inspiration.  

Photo Credit Julia Getsos

My niece Julia is a great photographer.  Our lunch on Abbott Kinney looks like a stunning still life painting.....

 Sculpture by Ricardo Breceda / Photograph by Jacquie Heil
Our family loves the desert and we visit Palm Springs at least once a year.  The desert is the only place I know of where light and color inexplicably interplay. Our friends have a home in Borrego Springs which is south of Palm Springs and invited us to stay at their desert hacienda in late May.  Mark is a photographer and introduced us to the whimsical structures dispersed throughout this area, created by artist Ricardo Breceda.  Even an amateur photographer like myself can capture a decent photo of one of these giants emanating from the desert floor.

Big Island Hawaii....much to make sense of.....

contemplating architecture of ancient fishing pond

My husband Mark and I were so blessed to celebrate twenty five years of marriage together in June and to commemorate this milestone we traveled to the Big Island of Hawaii.  This was an active adventure for us, filled with hiking, kayaking, paddle boarding and running.

Cultivated Divine
 My impression of the Big Island is that it is one grand sensory meditation which I find difficult to articulate.  The massive black lava structures juxtaposed with the intense tumultuous crashing waves....black beaches are dotted with white coral.  For me, it is advanced course in composition, balance, scale, contrast and texture.  The sushi is divine as well....  

Cultivated Divine

Cultivated Divine
Cultivated Divine

From West To East....

With barely enough time to unpack and pack my suitcase, my son Jake and I headed for the east coast for some lacrosse tournaments and college visits.  Our son is a rising sophomore and not yet feeling the pressure of college admissions.  Funny how that all seemed to change when we arrived  on the east coast.  Game Changer?  Perhaps....Let's just say I am a firm believer in the glass is half full philosophy......"Do the Work, and the Opportunities will Present Themselves"
Young men on the Loyola Greyhounds Lacrosse Field

Jake in action on the Loyola lacrosse field

As your children grow so does your circle of friends.  Many of our dearest friends are met through our children.  I am blessed to have made some wonderful friends who are like minded in raising children.  I include this picture of my friends Kristan and Kim with whom I had the pleasure to travel.  They are transfixed by their sons on the playing field while enduring temperatures in the 90s with high humidity.  This photo of them is reminiscent of a modern day impressionist painting. 

A Moment to Pause......

On our lacrosse itinerary was a brief sojourn to the Jersey shore.  It was gray, cold and rainy.  Our accommodations were less than desirable.  A pipe in hotel burst and my son's shower water turned brown.  We all griped and complained about the situation and decided to move further north.

I share this because it is a great opportunity to count our blessings.  Much of the infrastructure of the New Jersey shoreline is still nonoperational after Hurricane Sandy.  Many of the homes stand condemned and vacant.  Water main breaks and sewer system issues are commonplace almost a year after the devastation.   So many people are still without their homes, enduring hardship everyday.  We have forgotten because we are no longer reminded in the evening news.

Any of us could be "them".  Our lives could be turned on a dime but some devastating event.  Stay grateful for all of the little luxuries, security and freedoms we have.
Seaside Height Boardwalk under renovation - July 2013

Celebrating the little things!!

Traveling north....good coffee and bakeries!!!

We were heading to Syracuse, New York but made a brief detour on the way in Hoboken, NJ.  This is the home of Cake Boss, much to everyone's excitement.  Our hotel had an amazing view of lower Manhattan, and in particular the Freedom Tower which now stands on the sight of the World Trade Center.  Befittingly, it was the day before Independence Day and the Freedom Tower was illuminated in Red White and Blue.  I am a patriotic girl as my brother and I share birthdays on the 4th and 5th of July with our nation.

Jake taking in the view of Manhattan

Freedom Tower at Night from our hotel room
During our trip I had to be away from my sweet little dog Harry.  Harry has been suffering from a heart condition for two years.  I called my husband everyday and the first question I asked is, "How's Harry?"  One day I panicked as it occurred to me that Harry might no longer be alive and Mark might have held this news until I got back home.  I asked him to send me a photo of Harry with the day's newspaper so I could verify.  (This is the action of a Harry-obsessed girl!)  Here he is with the headlines of the day.

Photo taken by Mark Heil

Sweet little Harry went into respiratory failure twelve hours after I returned home from New York.  I was able to be with him for the last twenty four hours of his life and have the opportunity to say a proper goodbye, along with my entire family.  I would like to think Harry waited for me to return.  It was just something he would do.  Harry passed away in July and I have missed him everyday since.

Harry Heil Photo: Jacquie Heil

Meanwhile back in New York....I was happy to be in New York City even with the temperature over 100 degrees.   The energy is so exciting there, and I always feel filled up with creative inspiration after visiting there.   On this day we walked 100 blocks in 100 degrees.  I  love the sewing machines display at this boutique in Soho.

Photo Credit: Julia Getsos

somewhere near Union Square....did I just leave New York?  (Feels like Paris).  This establishment and I share a name...

Roadside grille along the Hudson River with family.  Burgers and Pinot Grigio on a hot day.

I cherish time with my family.  My sister's family lives in New Jersey and my father in Tennessee.  We were all together in New York.
My dad and sister and I

 San Diego Sunshine and the Living is Easy....  After being on the east coast, I quickly remembered why I moved to the west coast twenty years ago.....the weather.  I was happy to return to warm sunny days, low humidity and bug free evenings outside.....Also happy to get out on our boat the Chips & Salsa.  Here is a photo I took on the San Diego bay a few weekends ago.  It was a perfect day, and I was just so grateful to be out on the water with Mark for a few hours....there is something I will never take for granted....we are so blessed to live in a little slice of heaven.....

 Back to work I go.  I hope you and your family and friends are enjoying the remaining days of summer relaxing, eating al fresco, swimming, laughing, picnicking and all of the other simple pleasures summertime has to offer.  Soon the pace will pick up and life will return to full swing.  Enjoy the fleeting moments.....

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Spring Cleaning Series - Spruce Up and Sparkle!

The days are getting longer and the light is getting brighter.  Suddenly I see cobwebs that I never knew existed!  Huh?!?! How'd I miss that?  Truth is, sometimes it's easy to miss what's right in front of your face.  But with the sun setting closer to 7pm these days, it becomes more evident what's been hiding in the recesses of darkness all winter.

This weekend, as part of my own devotion to spring cleaning, I am hitting the interior of my house to spruce up the spots that are so easily overlooked.  In addition, I finally find the burnt out lightbulbs annoying enough to head to the hardware store and buy new ones.

"The Spruce Up and Sparkle" includes dusting all of the light fixtures,
chandeliers, and ceiling fan blades.  As well as dusting the top of furniture and frames, and lastly cleaning the glass surfaces of crystal chandelier pendants, artwork. photos, and windows.

My Spruce Up and Sparkle toolkit includes the following:

photo credit:  marthastewart.com

Big plastic bucket with handle to tote cleaning supplies from room to room
Microfiber hand mitt for dusting surfaces that can be laundered after use
Handheld duster...(I like to channel french maid and use an old fashioned one)
Mrs. Meyers Clean Day Counter Spray (Lemon Verbena is my fave!)
Caldrea Essential Collection Countertop Spray
Method Wood Spray
JR Watkins window cleaner in Lemon
Cotton White Gloves
Microfiber cloths that can be laundered after use
Rubbing alcohol

All of my cleaning supplies are non toxic and environmentally friendly

Goal:  Get each room done as quickly as possible.  Put on your headphones and turn up the music for motivation.

Ready Set Go:

Enter room
Working from top of the room down....
Clean tops of blades of ceiling fans...otherwise when you use them in a month or two all of that dust and grit will blow all over your room
Dust top of lightbulbs and light fixtures with handheld duster
Dust tops of furniture such as armoires and frames with microfiber mitt
Use white gloves and rubbing alcohol to clean crystal pendants on chandeliers
Dust bases of lamps and any wood surfaces with microfiber cloths
Clean glass of photos and artwork with glass cleaner and separate microfiber cloth
Clean interior of windows with glass cleaner and microfiber cloth or crumpled up newspaper
Turn on each lamp or overhead light and note any missing bulbs to replace
Go to next room....

Photo credit & design:  Cultivated Divine

Voila!  If you keep moving and don't get sidetracked you should be able to have your home sparkling in the sunlight in no time at all.  Try to get this project done all at one time if possible.

Photo credit & styling:  Cultivated Divine

Here's to the Sparkle in your home!



Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring Cleaning Series - Your Closet

The biggest endeavor I undertake each spring and fall is the turnover of my closet.  This effort pays huge dividends.   I have a fairly small closet by today's standards so I have to be efficient with space.  I am fortunate to have good storage space at home and can pack away non-seasonal things to maximize my useable space.  If you do only one spring cleaning activity, I highly recommend that you consider this because it is life changing.  

One of the businesses that I started as a designer is Closet Rapture, a wardrobe editing business.  The need for this service was an offshoot of my design business for clients feeling overwhelmed by their stuff.  A thousand times I've heard, "I have so many things but I have nothing to wear".  Seriously, they just can't find it or see it amidst the things stuffed in their closets.  

My business partner and I spent a year researching wardrobe editing and closet efficiencies.  We read every book ever printed on the subject and had countless conversations about the topic before we even launched a single project.  We have assisted a broad spectrum of women ranging from a stay at home moms who just want to add a bit of pizazz and effiicency to their wardrobe to high profile personalities who need their wardrobes and closets streamline for their busy demanding life.

Here is a reposting of the piece I wrote for Closet Rapture which is every bit as valid today:


Friday, April 12, 2013

Spring Cleaning Series - Outdoor Living Spaces

Cutivated Divine

Okay people, it's spring.  I realize we have been teetering back and forth there for a while with the weather, but let's just embrace the idea and get on with it.  So while the buds are bursting,  the bulbs are blooming, and the beasts are, well let's just say "busy", let us not be ill-prepared for a little spring action ourselves.  However you want to define it....rebirth....renewal....shedding some layers.....spring is truly a call for action.   It is a time for opportunity to clear away the debris (both literally and metaphorically) that has accumulated over the cold winter season.

If we intentionally wish to create a life by design and one of intention, it's prudent to take a few proactive steps from the get go.  Where to start?  Make a simple and not too ambitious list of things you would like to do to prepare for spring.

Here's mine:

1.  Remove dead poinsettia from back patio (I just couldn't bring myself to compost a thriving beautiful plant back in January....where has the time gone??  Hmmmm.....)

2.  Tidy.  Sweep and hose down patios.

3.  Purge. Donate or trash anything on exterior of house that is broken, unsalvageable or tired (including pillows that are UV fried)

4.  Create mini design plan for outside with emphasis on how you envision your life and lifestyle  (color palette, design elements such as lanterns, umbrella, decor, etc.  check Pinterest boards for inspiration).  Make shopping or swapping list of things needed.

5.  Cultivate.  Weed and cutback plants....make a shopping list of small filler plants for pots and barren spaces.  Can you swap plant cuttings with friends....I hang around with garden junkies and this is a common practice.   Im thinking more succulents this year since now I am hooked!  I will plant an herb garden instead of a vegetable garden this year since I will be traveling this summer.  My plant criteria is that they must be water wise.....check Pinterest again for a little inspiration.  Make sure to put potting mix and fertilizer (preferably organic) on your shopping list.

6.  Relax.  It's okay to take the pressure off, I am not going to run out now and buy a bunch of stuff.  It's the weekend for heaven's sake, and even with two of us working outside, it's quite ambitious to do it all in a couple days. Besides, we have kids (need I say more).   I will keep the shopping lists on my phone on a great app called SPRINGPAD for when I am out running errands or pass by a nursery.  I may also want to tweak my list a bit.  And a little decorating note:  pleeeeeease don't buy lots of little tchotchkes to fill up your space.  I guarantee you will be discarding them next year.  Less is more.  Think larger scale: My rule of thumb is 18", 24", and 30" tall.

By all means, use natural elements to enhance your decor.  We are starved for time outside with all of the technology that grabs for our attention.  Mother Nature offers lovely gifts of the season....fresh flowers in the spring, seashells in the summer, pods and gourds in the fall, and beautiful branches in the winter.  If you don't have access to these items, you can always purchase fresh lemons, limes, and apples in the store.

Setting out with a simple and manageable plan allows us to stay on top of things, accomplish at least some of the goals we set for ourselves, and to truly embrace and celebrate the seasons.

Cultivated Divine

Happy Spring!


Wednesday, March 20, 2013


My motto these days is:  DON'T CHARGE, RECHARGE!

(I feel like Suze Orman the financial guru would be cheering me on, "You Go Girl!")

There is just SO MUCH coming at us these days.  I counted 68 direct mail catalogs thrust upon me in the month of February.  I kept count in an effort to get off the mailing list through a great website called:  Catalog Choice.  I was shocked to see how many I actually receive.  This is in addition to all of the catalogs and magazines that I choose to subscribe to for design, fashion, well being and personal interest.  Because I am in the design industry, I probably receive more than most people.  And then there are the blogs that I follow.....all of these advertisement laden periodicals makes you want to just go out and buy stuff!

oh, and the news.....

I've been fielding calls all week from friends.  It also feels like one of those weeks when there is a lot of personal bad news in the lives of people I know.  I have spent time being of support and counsel.  You know that expression about...bad news always comes in threes?  Well I received call number three yesterday.  In the midst of it all I feel so blessed because everything is going very well in my life (right now).  I am counting my blessings and feeling grateful for being able to lend my strength to others during their difficult time.  Bad news is bad news period.  You feel great compassion when people you know are hurting.  It weighs heavily on you.  Perhaps a little internet surfing or a stroll around the mall might be a good diversion.

Step away from the credit card!!  Maybe the stroll you really long for is out in nature for some fresh head-clearing air.  The distress seems to lift and float away when your moving and the only thing above you is the sky.  Chirping birds and barking dogs reconnect us to the continuity of life, a little sunshine always does wonders for the disposition, and nature's beauty is so awe-inspiring it reminds us that things are going to be okay.

I feel so blessed to live by the beach.  It is my go-to place when I need to clear my head.  In the afternoon of the September 11th tragedy, I took a long walk to the beach and stared out at the waves for what seems like an eternity trying to convince myself that things were going to be okay.  The rhythmic break of each wave gave me solace.  When I've had to figure out difficult situations or even rectify disputes with a family member, up into the beach preserve foothills we walk..and walk...and walk...hmmmm if those hills could talk!  When I feel overwhelmed I run through those hills.

The point is, we all have a lot of stuff.  If I took a poll, most of us would say we have too much stuff.  Much more stuff than we need.  There are things that we buy that we may regret buying.  There are things that we buy with that we think will change our lives. You get the point.  Some of our spending is rational.  We do need stuff.  A great deal of it however is impulsive and emotional.  It makes us feel better, for a little while anyway.

Today's Daily Worth blog post is just so awesome because it directly talks about this topic (read here).  According to DW we are psychologically triggered to spend and there are three common triggers for spending.  Amanda Steinberg, who is the founder of Daily Worth speaks of spending with intention (and I'd like to add, LOVE).  I highly recommend you read this posting and muse over the message. The message is don't be "trigger happy".  That kind of happy only lasts a little while.  I thought the timing of this blog was divine, given the week I have been having.  In the past I would run right out and get me a little bling or something colorful to wear to cheer myself up.  I don't do that anymore.  I am now very mindful about what I buy.  I do treat myself, but I don't purchase to feel better.  I am now a treasure hunter.

Do you know someone who buys things to cope with stress or other emotions?  What has been your experience with this?

Share your thoughts!


Friday, March 1, 2013

And the Oscar goes to.......

photo credit: Rob Tobin

This is Inocente in the limosine with the Oscar after last Sunday's Academy Awards.  This is a pinnacle moment for a girl, some amazing film makers, an incredible non-profit called A Reason To Survive, and myself for being part of something so inspirational.

On Sunday, Inocente was awarded the Oscar for the category Short Documentary.  I am honored to be part of this story and I am thrilled to see Inocente herself come to this place on a journey from homeless youth on the streets of San Diego, to walking the red carpet last Sunday evening, and ultimately the recipient of this award.

Inocente, the movie is a documentary created by Sean and Andrea Fine.  They are amazing film makers and have received numerous accolades for both this film and the documentary War Dance.  While I was on the Board of Directors of A Reason To Survive (ARTS), a non-profit for children with adversity, Sean and Andrea were shooting footage for this film.  Inocente was attending ARTS as a homeless youth while attending high school in the vicinity.  At the time she was 15 years old and her school friends were unaware she was homeless.


Inocente's story is incredibly inspiring because it speaks to great resilience in the face of horrific circumstances.  Her strength, perseverance and outlook are exemplary to each and every one of us.  She shines brightly despite the circumstances of her life.  Through ARTS, Inocente has found an outlet for her amazing artistic talent and creativity.  And because of people's belief in her, she is now no longer homeless, has a college fund to attend art school, and is thriving.  She is a shining example of POTENTIAL.

It was not on my bucket list to be in an Academy Award winning movie, but life can be funny at times and present you with gifts of providence.  I got involved with ARTS in 2007 because of my love of art and my belief that artistic expression can heal all kinds of deep wounds.  I started at ARTS as a volunteer teaching afternoon classes to gang members.  I fell in love with this organization and joined the board of directors and have been a champion of it ever since.

This movie touches on so many issues facing our nation at this time, including homelessness, immigration, and domestic violence.  But it is a Cinderella story with a shining outcome.  Inocente herself walked the red carpet in a Cinderella-like gown by a renowned San Diego designer Zandra Rhodes.  She joined the filmmakers Sean and Andrea Fine on that stage when they received the Oscar  symbollically standing between the two of them.  She was embraced by the world that evening and everyone fell in love with her.  She was finally able to feel part of something that even she cannot describe.

I think the expression on Inocente's face in the limosine says it all.  Pure joy and exuberance!

I truly hope that if you have the opportunity to watch this film that you do so.  It is a powerful testimony as to what the human spirit can and will endure.  Her circumstances do not define her, her dreams do....

Congratulations Inocente!!  We love you!

Please visit the ARTS website to find out more about the amazing programs they offer for children:


Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mid-Week Tune Up: Mastery at Work

The wind howled all night long and I woke up expecting  that I might see debris all over my yard this morning.  There is nothing of the sort, only big whitecaps on the ocean and gusts of wind as this storm pushes on through southern California.  The sun is shining brightly amidst big ominous clouds.  Yes, the storm always passes and the sunshine returns.

I am in disbelief that Wednesday is already here.  I have been in the flow of my work all week as time passes effortlessly.  This is not always the case, however it is becoming more of the norm as I align my effort with my interests and passion.  Although I have always sustained a high level of work ethic and drive, I haven't always put love, heart and intention in my work.  I strived to do my best, but work was WORK.

It was not until I read the book, Mastery at Work by Nicole Grace that things really shifted for me.

This book is transformative regardless of what profession you are in.  The subtitle of this book is 18 Keys for Achieving Success, Fulfillment and Joy in Any Profession.  Here is a passage from the book:

"Don't let other people's choices concern us or temper our glee. 
Love life whether it rains or snows or we are bathed in sunlight.
Live in the world, but don't be owned by it.
Spend time with other people, but don't lose touch with yourself.
Work Hard, then rest.
Give yourself to tasks fully, but find every opportunity to laugh.
Take your work seriously, but not yourself.
When you have become an expert at something, teach others.
There will always be hard days.  There will also always be beautiful days.
Remember that no experience is lasting.
Learn from everything.  Be grateful for everything.
Spend as much of your energy as possible in service to others."

This book is always on my desk for daily reference.  It reminds me that you can thrive rather than strive in your daily profession, even when the work itself is mundane or unfulfilling.  There are certainly some teachings from mysticism woven into the Nicole's writing.  The book itself is a "three-fold path to mastery to provide an enlightened approach to life and work."  They are the fundamental principles of service, detachment, and humility.  Regardless of your spiritual path or what level of self-development you aspire to, you certainly will find pearls of wisdom throughout this treasure of a book.

My favorite takeaway from Mastery at Work is the notion that we are each a guest in each other's lives.  You have been invited into someone else's workplace or life, perhaps for a limited time to accomplish a particular task.  Act like a guest, be polite and respectful, make a great impression, be of value and service, have gratitude, and perhaps you will be invited back...

Enjoy the rest of your week!

